Citizen activists are working to preserve the land as a park. Some consider the true value of the land as a resource for gravel, but Gladstone Citizens have resoundingly supported the land as a park. What would happen if the land were ever sold for commercial purposes?
For Park Neighbors this would mean...
Noise from mining operation and blasting
Large gravel trucks with trailers on our streets
Increased traffic congestion on the the main connecting roads in Gladstone: Webster/Oatfield/82nd Avenue
9. Motion to direct staff to hire Sisul Engineering for the Staff review of the Oatfield/Webster Property. Interim City Administrator Schultz explained that if the City wants to sell the property that any requirements regarding public right-of-way will be taken care of beforehand. Councilor Sieckmann made a motion to approve the staff recommendation. Motion was seconded by Councilor McMahon. Discussion: Councilor Johnson had a concern regarding the possibility of mining for gravel. Interim City Administrator Schultz said he could remove that section. Mayor Jacobellis feels that it should be left in because there could be some additional value in the property. Councilor Johnson also wanted to clarify that this is not park land or open space - it is commercial property. Councilor Sieckmann also feels that the mining section should be left in. He would also like to see a timeframe for completion included. Motion passed unanimously.